The Minister of Education’s announcement that schools will be returning in phases over the coming weeks has been met with mixed reactions as is evident from our published survey results. This is understandable as the risks attached to COVID-19 have not disappeared and yet these risks have had to be considered in light of the need for the economy to restart and for children without online education access not have their educational year compromised. This is not an easy balance and the return to school is a process that we have taken very seriously.
We do believe that the online teaching provided has been of a high quality yet remain firmly convinced of the many benefits that face-to-face schooling provides. The level of community, of meaningful interaction and engagement, of social and emotional development as well as the immediacy of the learning cycle are but a few examples to be mentioned after such a long period in lockdown. There is a recognition that with all the desire for a quick return, in this situation we need to go slow in order to go fast. We need to be guided by available data, learn from what is working for others and be both agile and adaptable. There may be families who will choose not to send their children back initially yet our return to school is intended to be organised, paced to engender confidence and involve all of the necessary actions to mitigate possible risks. This is a time that is going to need partnership, co-operation and compliance from each and every one of us.
The approach adopted by the School Management Team is underpinned by a number of guiding principles.
These include:
- The safety of our learners, staff and parents.
- The imperative to revert to face-to-face teaching for the additional educational benefits inherent in such a model.
- The need to comply with all government guidelines and regulations.
- The social and emotional needs of our learners who will benefit greatly from being back in the school environment.